Do Writing Tools Matter? Yes & No.

If you get heavily involved in the writing community, you have to be careful. Why? Because there is a whole sub-industry devoted to writing tools that supposedly help you be more productive and creative. Are many of these helpful? Yes, of course. For example, I swear by the writing app Scrivener. I write almost everything … Read more

Life is Not a Multiple-Choice Test

There is a common trait among successful writers, and it has nothing to do with skill, talent, genre, or style. Instead, it has everything to do with taking responsibility for your own life choices. Most people are passive observers of their own lives. They accept the choices that life hands to them. They assume what … Read more

To Be or Not to Be

One of the most famous lines from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is “To be or not to be, that is the question.” More than a line in a famous play, it’s also the central idea of the writer’s life. The American novelist Paul Theroux said, “You can’t want to be a writer, you have to be one.” … Read more