Clear the Clutter: Piles of Paper

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. Now we come to one of my favorite topics related to getting organized—dealing with piles of paper. Isn’t it ironic that we live in such a technologically advanced age… yet we seem to be drowning in paper? On any given day, I’m dealing with several pages of … Read more

Clear the Clutter: Desk & Drawers

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. If you’ve been following this series, you have cleaned the dirt and dust from your area and also gotten rid of random junk and knick-knacks you don’t need. Now, let’s turn our attention to the main space where you do writing: your desk. The financial guru Dave … Read more

Clear the Clutter: Office or Work Area

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. If you listened to Tuesday’s episode, hopefully, you followed through and cleaned the dust and dirt from your workspace. Today, we’re tackling knick-knacks, odds and ends, and random junk that find their way into our lives. We all hang onto certain things longer than we should. I … Read more