Grow Your Network with the Power of Generosity with Vincent Pugliese

On this episode, Kent talks to Vincent Pugliese about growing your networking and building your relationships with the power of generosity. Vincent is the founder of the Total Life Freedom Community, host of the Total Life Freedom Podcast, and the author of Freelance to Freedom as well as his new book, The Wealth of Connection: … Read more

The Beauty of Having No Opinion

Have you ever noticed that some people have an opinion about literally everything? It’s not hard to find these people. They are all over social media, and probably within your workplace, social circle, or even your family. While it’s easy to point out how others are opinionated, it’s important to look at ourselves as well. … Read more

Go Ahead, Cross the Streams

There is a fascinating scene in the original 1984 Ghostbuster movie that has an interesting application for writers. The three ghostbusters, played by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis are trying to capture a ghost flying around a hotel ballroom. Their proton packs emit a powerful stream of energy that trap the ghost and … Read more