Making Money as a Writer: Freelance Writing

We’ve been working our way through a series on Making Money as a Writer. Today, we’re talking about one of the most familiar and straightforward ways to make money as a writer: freelance writing. Freelancing is writing for hire. This is opposed to writing because you’re a staff member of an organization or have writing … Read more

How to Use the Overlap Principle to Build Your Writing Business, Part 2: 10 Tips for Getting Started

This is the second part of a two-part series on how to use the Overlap Principle to build your writing business. If you haven’t listened to or read the first part, I highly encourage you to go back and check that out because it lays the groundwork for this installment. But even if you don’t, … Read more

How to Use the Overlap Principle to Build Your Writing Business, Part 1: My Story

As you probably know, I recently stepped down from my full-time teaching position to do writing full-time. The bulk of my time is now spent working on projects for clients, since I’m a ghostwriter. But I also spend about a day and a half each week working on this podcast, writing my own material, and … Read more