Been Rejected Lately? Join the Club.

We deal with a lot of obstacles as writers, but one of the biggest is rejection. Rejection can come in many forms. A publisher or agent can reject your book proposal. Your subscribers can reject your emails by not opening them. Your followers can reject your social media posts by not liking or sharing them. … Read more

Someone Needs Your Knowledge

We have talked many times on this podcast about the need to learn from others. Whether it’s being part of a mastermind, reading books, attending a conference, or something else, it’s vital that we all put ourselves in a learning posture. It is important that you learn from other writers who can share their knowledge. … Read more

Alex Barker: Learning to Think Like a Business Owner

I am thrilled to bring you this conversation with my good friend Alex Barker. He is the founder of The Happy PharmD, a company that helps pharmacists find work that is fulfilling and inspiring. He’s also the author of the book Indispensable: The Prescription for a Fulfilling Pharmacy Career. Because we have been involved in … Read more