Clear the Clutter: Podcasts & Email Subscriptions

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. The last couple of days we’ve talked about cleaning up your digital life, specifically, computer files and unanswered emails. Now I want to help you clear even more digital and mental clutter by letting go of subscriptions to podcasts and email newsletter subscriptions that aren’t helping you. … Read more

Redefining Success as a Writer with Tim Schurrer

Kent talks to author Tim Schurrer about what it means to be successful in writing and creative work, and how we should become obsessed with doing the work instead of focusing just on the end result. Tim Schurrer is the author of the fantastic new book, The Secret Society of Success. Tim spent almost a … Read more

Kim Stewart: Grow Your Author Platform with Podcast Guesting

There are many ways to market yourself as an author, but, on today’s episode, we will explore one of the most effective strategies—being a guest on other people’s podcasts. My guest is Kim Stewart. She is a marketing strategist who helps Christian authors meet new readers and market their messages by guesting on podcasts. She’s … Read more