Making Money as a Writer: Courses

We’ve been working our way through a series on Making Money as a Writer. Today, we’re talking about courses, which is one of the most natural ways for you to offer value to your audience and increase your income. As a former college professor, courses are honestly one of the things that come most naturally to … Read more

Writing for the Right Reasons

Sometimes we make a false distinction between writing for money and writing for pleasure. Both goals can be valid and important. What ties them together is that you are adding value to the world through your writing. When you write for clients, you are adding value to them and their business. When you write nonfiction, … Read more

How to Be a 10-Year “Overnight Success”

Ever since I went full-time in my ghostwriting business this past summer, I’ve had a lot of conversations about how that happened. People have been very interested in the mechanics of my transition from a college professor to a full-time writer. They’ve asked me questions like: How do you make a full-time living as a … Read more

Someone Needs Your Knowledge

We have talked many times on this podcast about the need to learn from others. Whether it’s being part of a mastermind, reading books, attending a conference, or something else, it’s vital that we all put ourselves in a learning posture. It is important that you learn from other writers who can share their knowledge. … Read more