Take Action Immediately

So… you’ve done it again. You promised yourself you wouldn’t do it. You swore up and down that last time would be the last time. Yet here you are, feeling guilty because you’ve given in to the temptation once again.

Are we talking about some forbidden sin? Some horrible act that is slowly destroying your life or your family?

No, we’re talking about downloading yet another free PDF that will languish on your hard drive. It’s one more resource you won’t read, but you will still feel guilty because you know it will probably help your writing or business.

Don’t feel too bad. We’ve all done it. In today’s Information Age, it’s almost impossible not to be overwhelmed with email lists, free PDFs, podcasts, books, courses, and much more.

So how do you deal with this flood of information? Here is the key: the next time you read or listen to something that is helpful, determine whether it is something you need to do. If so, take action on it immediately.

This one simple concept can work wonders for your confidence and your success. When you do something you know you must do, you develop the habit of breaking down barriers. You also build your anti-procrastination muscle.

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the information out there. In fact, you should delete or unsubscribe from things that are not helping you on your journey right now. Too much information can absolutely paralyze and confuse you.

You can always download something again or find a similar resource on the internet when you need it. But the best course of action is clearing your mental clutter and taking the next logical step in your writing journey.

After all, the most successful writers are not the ones with the most talent. They are the ones who keep their life simple and take action every day toward their goals.