Take Nothing Personally

We writers have a reputation for taking everything personally. Many of us would describe ourselves as introverted artists who are highly sensitive. As such, we tend to absorb other people’s emotions and have a hard time letting things go.

Am I right? Or am I right?

This can make it hard when trying to build an audience and keeping your readers in mind. Here’s one way to approach life: take nothing personally. Remember that every comment, every review, everything other people say has more to do with their perspective and emotional state than it does you.

This is where your skills of observation as a writer can come in handy. Whenever someone says something you don’t like, or makes a negative or critical observation, examine it like a doctor does a patient. See if it’s true and make a correction if needed. But do so without emotion or feeling that it reflects on your personal worth or identity.

Nobody said this was easy. It’s not. But it’s absolutely necessary if you are going to keep your sanity and remain emotionally healthy.

Daily Question: Would you say it’s hard or easy for you to not take things personally? Why or why not?