Terry Stafford: Leadership Through Storytelling

Terry is an award-winning author who has written four novels. The most recent one completed a trilogy, which was a pretty amazing accomplishment in itself. Terry is also an editor, and, in fact, edited a book I ghostwrote for a client last year, and he did an amazing job.

Terry has a background in the US Navy, and also with NASA as a project manager. Based on his experience in project management, Terry saw how his experience in that field could bring order out of creative chaos in his own writing life. He strongly believes that leadership principles can be taught through story, which is what we’re here to talk about today.

Since this interview, Terry has released an amazing book, Project Management for Writers, which will teach you how to get organized as a writer.

In this conversation, Terry shares how he explores leadership through his novels, as well as his process for crafting a story. He also talks about writing habits, the writing tools he uses, and much more.

You can connect with Terry at his website, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Make sure to also check out his books on Amazon via his author page.