The Beauty of Having No Opinion

Have you ever noticed that some people have an opinion about literally everything? It’s not hard to find these people. They are all over social media, and probably within your workplace, social circle, or even your family.

While it’s easy to point out how others are opinionated, it’s important to look at ourselves as well. How about you? Do you have an opinion about everything?

Here’s a tactic to keep you curious. Take a topic that you currently care about and ask yourself, “What if I had no opinion on this topic? What if could listen without judgement to all sides of this issue? What if I took a learning stance instead of an opinionated stance?”

Looking at life from this perspective will keep you humble and curious. And honestly, it’s refreshing because having an opinion about everything is exhausting.

The most successful writers are the ones who ask good questions and explore topics and situations from different angles. After all, who wants to learn from an author who seems to have everything in life figured out?