The Clock is Always Running

Have you ever held up an hourglass and looked it closely? From a distance, the sand looks as though it was one single element that can snake through the bottleneck between the top and bottom of the hourglass. But upon closer inspection, you can see that it’s just thousands and thousands of tiny grains.

The average adult will live around 27,000 days. That seems like a lot, but if you’re a middle-aged person, half of those days are already gone. Every day you live is another day spent. Every week, another seven days is gone. And of course, every year takes away another 365 days.

You’re spending one of your days right now. The clock never stops. It’s always running. Are you using this day well? Will you be proud of how you used it come tomorrow?

Your time on earth is limited. If you don’t write today, that’s one less day you have to make your writing dreams a reality. There’s no time like the present.