The Magic of an Encouragement File

Writers and artists seem to be prone to discouragement. How many stories have you heard about writers who are addicted to alcohol, battling personal demons, or even take their own life?

It’s not easy to be a writer. We spend our lives putting our stories, thoughts, and emotions out there… and sometimes it feels like your heart gets trampled on.

This is why we need all the encouragement we can get. But how do we create a ready source of encouragement for those dark days?

The answer is quite simple: keep an encouragement file. Any time someone sends you an email, letter, text, or other communication that encourages you, keep it. You can print it off or save it as a digital file.

I keep both kinds. I have a big box where I store all the nice letters and cards people have given me over the years. I also keep a notebook in my Evernote app simply called “Encouragement.”

Whenever you’re discouraged, spend a few minutes looking through these files. You’ll soon remember how you are making a difference and impacting other people’s lives.

It’s easy to forget this in the push and pull of everyday life. That’s why you must take a few moments to store these notes whenever you get them.

Oscar Wilde said, “When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.” On your darkest days, look in your encouragement file and that’s exactly where you’ll find those rainbows and stars.