The Power of a Personalized Video

In the last weekday episode, we talked about the power of sending handwritten notes. Today, let’s look at another powerful way to personally connect with people.

Since high-speed internet and mobile phones started becoming more powerful ten or fifteen years ago, video has become a more important medium with each passing year. We all love to watch videos, and one of the ways to take advantage of this is to send people short, personalized videos.

There are many reasons to do this. You can thank someone, send a note of encouragement, follow up from a meeting, explain more about a client proposal, add some thoughts after a conversation, or just point out something you appreciate about what the other person is doing.

The bottom line is that a personalized video forges a deep connection with the other person. Why? Because you took the time the create something specifically for them. It is rare, therefore it is effective and valuable.

Many writers are not comfortable on video, but you will need to get comfortable. Learn to make video your friend. People don’t care if you come across as some smooth TV star. In fact, the more real and authentic it feels, the better. The fact that it’s from you is what makes it so powerful.

You would be surprised at the impact that a short, personalized video makes on someone.

Daily Question: Do you feel comfortable on video? Why or why not? What is an area of your writing or business you would like to grow, and how could personalized videos help build relationships in that area?