Director Tricia Brouk on Using Your Influential Voice to Create a Lasting Legacy

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When we consider the impact of our writing, there are many elements we pay attention to. We spend a lot of time thinking about our audience, our content, our strategy for reaching readers, our habits, our tools and technology, and so forth.

But one important element of our writing that often gets overlooked is our “voice.” According to my guest today, your voice is a vital element in your communication. In fact, she defines it as “the fingerprint of your communication style.”

Her name is Tricia Brouk and she is an award-winning director who has worked in theater, film, and television for three decades. Her work includes the writing of two musicals, both produced in New York City, a one-woman show, and four documentaries, two eligible for Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominations.

Tricia had an extensive career as a dancer performing all over the world. In addition to her work in the entertainment industry, she applies her expertise to the art of public speaking. Tricia founded The Big Talk Academy, where she certifies speakers in the art of public speaking. She has shepherded more than fifty speakers onto more than fifteen TEDx stages in under three years.

Tricia is also the host of the award-winning podcast The Big Talk, which is where I first got to know her. I was part of her podcast production team for several years, and I was always impressed by Tricia’s discipline and professionalism. When it comes to the art of public speaking, using your voice, or showing up in the world as your authentic self, there is no one I trust more than Tricia Brouk.

In our conversation, we focus on some themes from Tricia’s new book, The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean for Lasting Legacy. We talk about the importance of using your unique voice, how to deal with fear, her unique process for writing this book, and much more.

Be sure to visit to pre-order the book by Dec. 18 to get some amazing bonuses. You can also check out Tricia’s website or connect with her on Instagram to learn more about her and her work.

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