Using Social Media to Increase Your Impact and Influence with John Schuchman

Whenever you hear the term “social media,” what’s your response? Many writers reel back a little at the idea of getting more involved on social media because they don’t know how to be effective using it, or because they feel it will take away from their writing time.

I understand. I’ve been there. I have struggled to know the best ways to use social media. And as an introvert, sometimes it’s hard to summon the energy to engage with more people.

That’s why I’ve asked my good friend John Schuchman to help us with this important topic today. John is a successful real estate agent in Pennsylvania and has been very successful in using social media to increase his business and connect with people. He’s also a social media coach for real estate agents.

John gives us some great tips on using social media as a writer and leader, which platforms to focus on, how to connect and serve, and some things to avoid.