Writing Habits Practice #2: Set Up a Dedicated Writing Space

We’ve just started a series on writing habits here on the podcast, and yesterday we talked about writing habits practice #1, which is establishing a goal for your writing. If you haven’t listened to that episode, I encourage you to check it out.

Today we’re going to talk about practice #2:

Set up a dedicated writing space that is free of distractions.

Let me ask you something. Have you ever tried to write in a space that you use for other things like eating, entertainment, or playing computer games?

It may seem convenient at the time, but what you’re really doing is signaling to your brain that you should be doing all those things at once. The environment where you write has a powerful effect on your ability and motivation to actually get the work done.

This is why it’s important to try and write in a space you only use for writing.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Even a simple table will do—or a broom closet if you need! When you work in that space, the environment tells your brain it’s writing time… not eating time, entertainment time, or sleeping time.

It is also helpful to set up your writing space so that it’s free from distractions, which includes clutter. There is nothing more conducive to great writing than a clean, neat, organized desk free from the clutter of everyday life.

In addition, it’s also helpful to shut off as many distractions as possible from our digital devices. It’s hard to concentrate if you constantly have pings from your phone going off while writing.

All this may sound like a tall order, but you can start simple. In fact, I’m in the process of creating a whole separate office for myself. I find that I write much better away from home than at home. I may end up just building an office in my basement.

Even if you don’t have extra space in your home or apartment, you can do something as simple as sit at the kitchen table or somewhere else in the house. The awesome thing about being a writer is that you don’t need much… just a writing tool, a chair, and a table or desk.

Question: Do you have a dedicated writing space free of distractions?