Writing is Not the Center

What is the core value of your life? What is the “center”?

For some writers, it’s their writing. Meaning, everything else is a sort of support system for their writing. Family, health, social life, rest and other important elements of their life always come second because they see their main task as answering their creative calling.

Stephen King said, “It starts with this: put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.”

What sits in the center of the room for you? If it is your writing, then other people’s reactions, your book sales, or other factors will influence whether you feel successful in life or not.

If other more important things lie at the center, such as your family or faith or health, then you can live a more balanced life. There is no need to become an “artist” who achieves greatness in their craft while everything else in their life is crumbling.

Is writing important? Yes. But don’t let it consume your life. Don’t let it become the center.