Your One Thing

Each day is a thread you are weaving into an epic tapestry.

One day, the threads will run out and your life will be over. When your friends and loved ones reflect on your final tapestry, what will they see? Will they see shadows and a hint of greatness that was never fulfilled? Or will they stand in awe at the bold shapes and bright colors that helped them see they could create a beautiful tapestry, too?

Which picture will they see? The choice is up to you.

Your words are the most powerful tool you will ever own. Don’t let another day slip away without using them to weave a better future for yourself and those you care about.

A master craftsman weaves one thread at a time. When you stand back and look at the complicated pattern, you wonder how in the world they managed to create something so complex and beautiful. How did they do it? One thread at a time.

Years from now, people will wonder how you achieved so much with your writing. But it won’t be a mystery. Like a master artist who weaves a tapestry, you used each day as a thread to weave a life and legacy of words.

You will have done it because you were a Daily Writer.

Daily Question: Are you using today—THIS DAY—to weave a beautiful tapestry with your words?