Start Writing Today: Social Media

Many people dismiss social media as something that’s not worthy of your time as a writer. I completely disagree. Social media is not only a great place to connect and network with other writers… it’s also a low-stakes environment to work on your writing skills. For example, you can tell a story about something that … Read more

My Story of Traveling the Writer’s Path

Now that you have a basic idea of what The Writer’s Path is all about, I’d like to share my story of traveling this pathway myself. I began blogging around 2007 or 2008. I had several blogs and was just writing for fun. I wanted to build a business but didn’t know how. I was … Read more

New Series—The Writer’s Path: 7 Steps to Building a Writing Business

You might know (or maybe you don’t) that about a year ago, I left my full-time job as a college professor to do ghostwriting full-time. That’s my main gig, but I also run The Daily Writer Club, which is our membership community, as well as produce this daily podcast. I also write my own books. … Read more

Create Your Own Podcast

In yesterday’s episode, we talked about the power of being a guest on other people’s podcasts. Today, we will turn the tables and talk about the importance of starting your own podcast. Podcasting is a powerful and inexpensive way to build an audience and share your ideas. One of the big advantages of podcasting over … Read more

Be a Podcast Guest

Being an author in our media age isn’t just about creating books or written content. It’s also about creating a media platform that can consist of video, podcasts, and social media. Of course, I encourage you to take advantage of all these for yourself. In addition, you can greatly increase your network if you are … Read more