Embracing Your Role as a Mentor

This week, we are celebrating the release of the book The Faith of Elvis, which I co-wrote with Billy Stanley, Elvis Presley’s stepbrother. Here on the podcast, I’m sharing a few lessons I’ve learned from working on this project. If you read the book, you’ll quickly see that Elvis embraced his role as a big … Read more

Ask What, Not Why

Have you ever felt like you live in a room with invisible walls that have you trapped? You’re trapped by questions like this: Why does that so-and-so writer get all the attention? Why do they have more book sales? Why is my blog traffic so stagnant? Why isn’t anyone paying attention to me? Sound familiar? … Read more

Life is Not a Multiple-Choice Test

There is a common trait among successful writers, and it has nothing to do with skill, talent, genre, or style. Instead, it has everything to do with taking responsibility for your own life choices. Most people are passive observers of their own lives. They accept the choices that life hands to them. They assume what … Read more