Clear the Clutter: Unanswered Emails

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. Our topic today is one that, if you take action on it, can have a big impact on your relationships and your business. I’m talking about all those unanswered emails sitting in your inbox. If you just felt a tinge of guilt when I brought up this … Read more

The Productive Writer: Create a “Stop Doing” List

Today, we’re concluding a short series on being more productive. Most people, including myself, create a task list each day. We also call this a “to-do” list. These are things we feel we must get done. In a world that increasingly demands our attention every second—in a world filled with ever-increasing opportunities and connections—this list … Read more

Pruning: Eliminate A Few Activities

As you continue to grow in your writing skills, your connections, and your influence, you will have more and more opportunities. This is both a good and bad thing. Opportunities are wonderful! You can write for more outlets or reach more readers with your own writing. With this expanded influence and connection also comes the … Read more

An Easy Way to Reduce Friction

All of us deal with a certain amount of friction as writers. Even under the best of circumstances, there are obstacles and problems that threaten our productivity and success. When you are under a deadline or experiencing a high amount of stress, it’s time to reduce the friction. The easiest way to do this is … Read more

Create a “Stop Doing” List

Most people, including myself, create a task list each day. We also call this a “to do” list. These are things we must do. And in a world that increasingly demands our attention every second—in a world filled with ever-increasing opportunities and connections—this list seems to get longer all the time. The antidote to all … Read more

Writing is Not the Center

What is the core value of your life? What is the “center”? For some writers, it’s their writing. Meaning, everything else is a sort of support system for their writing. Family, health, social life, rest and other important elements of their life always come second because they see their main task as answering their creative … Read more